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3 min read

How to Start an Inbound Marketing Firm

Table of Contents

You've finally committed to taking your hobby and turning it into a profitable business.

And why shouldn't you?

You love what you do…

Other people love what you do...
Your mom loves you, even though she doesn't have a clue what you do...

So why not jump off the cliff and start showing the world your talent?
You have everything you need:

  • A computer
  • A trendy coffee mug
  • A stretched neck sweater
  • And your cat, Tennessee Whiskers!

You start plugging away at your new entrepreneurial endeavor, and it is working.
Soon, all your friends and family want your talent and your offering.
You give it to them and they are actually paying you for it. 

There is just one teeny, tiny problem: you only have so many friends and family members.
You realize you have to get more customers.
You do a quick Google search:
Aha Social Media marketing! - That's it! 

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You start an Instagram page.
You dress up whiskers in his finest buret. He's adorable...
But no one cares... meh 

You go “live” and talk about your current projects:
Your Aunt Suzie won't stop sending heart emojis!
So you dig deeper.

You pay $900 for some internet guru to show you how to get leads.
Turns out you aren't willing to post half-nude click-bait photos to attract clients
You digress... 

You have a thought and devilishly gaze towards Mr. Whiskers.
He frowns back unenthused by your creepy thoughts of dressing him up in a bikini.
You hit a dead-end and decide to down a pint of Blue Bell while watching reruns of Seinfeld.
You pass out. 

You awake groggy and bloated and make your way to the sink to brush your teeth.
As you scroll through Facebook, you come across Vested's page.
You see Hubspot.

What is Hubspot?
Can I use it? Do I need it?
You click further...
Yes...Indeed….You... Need... It...! 

The Power of Inbound Marketing

It turns out that there is a better way to grow your business. Because as much as most people hate the idea of being sold or pitched to, you hate the idea of having to do it too.

With Hubspot, you can reach out to and educate potential clients on what you have to offer, while also giving them extreme amounts of value for free—right from your website or blog.

This is the new sales approach, and it’s called “Inbound Marketing”.

We’ve all been there:

  • Confused about a certain topic or “how to” approach it.
  • So, we resort to googling the vast depths of the internet to find a better way.
  • You click,, scroll… sigh… click… curse… scroll… flip the computer desk in an acute bout of uncontrollable rage… okay a bit far...we get it. (Speaking of, be sure to check out our blog all about Inbound Marketing as a great resource)>

But what is non-fiction about the above fairy tale, is the fact that once you land on a page that offers the answers that you so desperately seek—the next time that you are in need of wisdom on that particular subject, you will know exactly where to look.

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Hubspot Can Help You With That

With Hubspot, you can become that expert for your clients.

All of your sales, service, and marketing endeavors for your business can be done from one convenient place.

How to Start an Inbound Marketing Firm
  • Need to post your latest blog on a certain day or time.
    -Hubspot can help you do that.
  • Need to link to your other creative genius pieces on your site.
    -With Hubspot, you can do that.
  • Need to see where a specific client is at in their buyer’s journey with you?
    -Yup, Hubspot can help you do that too.
  • Want to know what your contacts are doing and what your last communication with them was?
    -You guessed it, Hubspot can help you do it.
  • Need to aggregate more client emails and create email workflows and drip campaigns to give them more information and show them what they are missing out on by not doing business with you?
    -Hubspot’s your platform to take on the project.
  • Want to know who’s been reading your fabulous emails with crafty subject lines.
    -Hubspot can help you investigate.
  • Need to check and see what pieces of your content are doing the best across the internet so you can add your latest offering to them?
    -Guess who can help you do that—right on Hubspot!
  • Want to set up a cool “Chat” offering so the potential clients that land on your page can ask the appropriate questions before becoming a customer?
    -Uhh… Hello, It’s Hubspot again…

To Hubspot or Not?

So why aren’t more people using Hubspot, if it’s so great?
-Good question!

Apparently, some people still prefer to plaster their face on billboard space and telephone book ads, hoping that people will call in.

At the end of the day, it can all be summed up to this; change can be hard. We get it, but, it is absolutely necessary in business.

Ready to join the thousands of businesses who use Hubspot for Inbound Marketing?

Are you a business owner who takes the time to think about how you like being educated (as most of us do now) about a service or product and how you use the internet in investing into your journey?

Choose to invest in software like Hubspot in order to house your website, your email campaigns, your blogging, your SEO boosting, automation, etc. An-all in one platform - convenient, modern space.

Instead of chasing your customers around, why not let them seek you out….sounds refreshing right! 

 Learn More About Vested And Hubspot Today 

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