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Vested Marketing

Solution, strategy, technology on a laptop screen with someone typing on keyboard

3 min read

The Importance of External Backlinking

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, external backlinking stands out as a crucial strategy for boosting your website's visibility and credibility. But what exactly is external backlinking? Simply put, it involves getting other websites to link back to...

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4 min read

Google's Ranking Factors Leaked: How to Boost Your Website’s SEO

Recently, over 2,500 pages of Google’s ranking factors were leaked, offering a glimpse into what influences search engine rankings. Here are the...

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A marketing tech using a virtual screen to click a futuristic icon that says PPC.

3 min read

From Clicks to Conversions: The Art of Pay Per Click Campaigns

In today’s digitally-driven world, mastering the art of paid advertising is no longer just an option, it's a necessity. Pay Per Click (PPC)...

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Group of people looking at strategies on a whiteboard

4 min read

Transform Your Website: Unveiling the Benefits of Growth-Driven Design

In today's dynamic digital age, a static website is, akin to a stagnant business. Conventional website development often involves a lengthy process,...

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Independent female blogger typing on laptop

3 min read

Google's Latest Update: Navigating Challenges for Independent Bloggers

For solo bloggers, the current landscape resembles a battlefield. Just recently, Google unleashed its latest Helpful Content Update, a change that...

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4 min read

Digital Marketing Trends 2024

In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As we move into 2024, it is crucial to explore the latest trends that...

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Man using computer with AI capabilities

7 min read

Will AI Replace SEO? Navigating the Future of Digital Marketing

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the interplay between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a focal...

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ClickUp project management tool screens from ClickUp Partner Vested Marketing

3 min read

4 Tips on How to Use ClickUp for Project Management

In the fast-paced world of project management, having a robust tool at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter ClickUp – the ultimate...

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Woman in business meetings analyzing and optimizing campaigns in HubSpot

4 min read

Analyzing and Optimizing Campaigns in HubSpot

Today's dynamic market demands a proactive approach to things like CRM campaigns, and staying ahead of the curve is non-negotiable. Enter HubSpot—a...

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Marketing employee with a disability accessing and using an accessible website.

4 min read

The Benefits of Having an ADA Compliant Website Widget

In today’s digital ecosystem, creating an accessible online experience is a smart business move with multi-faceted benefits. A new automated...

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