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11 min read

The Ultimate Guide to SEO KPIs: 12 Metrics to Measure Success

Table of Contents

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental component of modern digital marketing. With constant algorithm updates and changing consumer behaviors, how can you be sure your SEO strategies are effective? The answer lies in tracking the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

This guide deep dives into 12 essential KPIs that every marketer should monitor.

  1. Organic Traffic
  2. Organic Impressions
  3. Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  4. Conversion Rate
  5. Average Page Load Time
  6. Organic Sessions
  7. Branded vs. Non-Branded Traffic
  8. Keyword Rankings
  9. Google Business Profile Metrics
  10. Backlinks
  11. Organic CTR
  12. User Engagement

How Does SEO Work With Google?

1. Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to the visitors who arrive at your website through unpaid search results, as opposed to paid advertising or other channels. Organic traffic is generally considered the most valuable form of web traffic for several reasons, including its long-term sustainability and higher likelihood of quality leads and conversions.

Why Organic Traffic Is Crucial

Organic traffic is often a key indicator of the health of your website and the effectiveness of your SEO strategy. High levels of organic traffic suggest that your content is valuable, relevant, and easily discoverable by users. These users are also more likely to be interested in your products or services, making them prime candidates for conversion.

Tools for Monitoring Organic Traffic

  • Google Analytics: A comprehensive tool that tracks and reports various dimensions of website traffic, including organic visits.

  • SEMrush: Apart from keyword tracking, SEMrush offers a 'Traffic Analytics' tool that can help you understand your organic reach.

2. Organic Impressions

Organic impressions refer to the number of times your website appears in the unpaid search results for a given keyword or set of keywords. Unlike paid impressions, which come from advertising, organic impressions are the result of effective SEO and content strategies. They give you a preliminary idea of how well your website is performing in search engines and whether your target audience is finding your content.

Why Organic Impressions Matter

Simply put, the more your content appears in search results, the higher your chances of receiving organic clicks, leading to increased traffic and, ultimately, conversions. Monitoring organic impressions is like taking the pulse of your SEO strategy, allowing you to assess whether your efforts to improve search visibility are succeeding.

Tools for Tracking Organic Impressions

  • Google Search Console: The 'Performance' report provides detailed data on organic impressions, among other metrics.

  • SEMrush: It offers valuable insights into your organic search performance, helping you identify which keywords are generating the most impressions.

3. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a vital Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the realm of SEO that measures the ratio of clicks to impressions for your site's listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). In simpler terms, it shows how often people click on your site after seeing it in search results. High CTR indicates that your metadata and content are compelling enough to draw users in, while a low CTR may signify a need for improvement in these areas.

Why is CTR Important?

Click-through rate serves as an initial indicator of your content's quality and relevance to the user query. Though it's not officially confirmed as a direct ranking factor by Google, there is a strong correlation between higher CTR and better rankings. Furthermore, better CTR naturally leads to increased website traffic, and more traffic often correlates with higher conversions.

How to Measure CTR

Google Search Console provides a comprehensive Performance report that gives you insights into CTR for both individual pages and specific queries. 

What is a Good CTR?

The 'ideal' CTR can vary depending on the industry, type of content, and other factors. However, the average CTR for a Google search ad is about 1.91% for search and 0.35% for display. For organic results, a good CTR is often considered to be above 3%. Remember that CTR will naturally be higher for listings that appear at the top of SERPs.

4. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is an invaluable metric in understanding how effective your website is at fulfilling its core purpose—whether that is generating sales, obtaining sign-ups, or another specific action that matters to your business. Essentially, the conversion rate tells you what percentage of your visitors complete the desired action.

Why is Conversion Rate Important?

While getting high traffic to your website is an essential part of online success, it’s ultimately conversions that determine ROI. A high conversion rate signifies that your website and marketing strategies are effective, not just at attracting visitors, but also at getting them to take action. This, in turn, often translates into increased revenue and long-term customer loyalty.

How to Measure Conversion Rate

Popular tools like Google Analytics can help you track conversions, break them down by source, and even attribute them to specific marketing campaigns.

What is a Good Conversion Rate?

The benchmark for a "good" conversion rate can differ greatly across industries. However, an average landing page conversion rate is around 2.35%, according to WordStream. Websites that are in the top 10% see an average conversion rate of 11.45% or higher. These numbers are not fixed standards but should give you an idea of what to aim for.

5. Average Page Load Time

Average Page Load Time is an essential, yet frequently neglected, metric that can significantly impact both user experience and SEO performance. It refers to the time it takes for a web page to fully display its content from the moment a user clicks on the page link. In an era where user attention spans are increasingly short, even a delay of a few seconds can dramatically increase bounce rates, reducing the chance of converting a visitor into a customer.

Why is it Important?

Load time is a major contributing factor to page abandonment. According to Google, as page load time goes from 1s to 3s, the probability of bounce increases by 32%. This statistic alone highlights the vital role of page load speed in retaining your audience and also in converting them. Furthermore, Google includes page speed as one of its ranking factors, so a slow website can also negatively affect your organic rankings.

Measuring Average Page Load Time

To measure your website's average page load time, tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix can be incredibly helpful. These tools not only provide you with the average load time but also offer insights into what might be causing delays, such as large image files, excessive JavaScript, or unoptimized CSS.

The Ideal Benchmark

While an average page load time of two seconds or less is generally considered good, aiming for under one second can give you a significant edge over competitors. These numbers can vary depending on the industry and type of content, so it's essential to also consider your specific context.

6. Organic Sessions

Organic sessions are visits to your website that come from unpaid search results. In a world increasingly dominated by paid advertising and social media promotion, organic sessions represent the classic, grassroots way to build a sustainable online presence. These sessions are often considered a leading indicator of the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

The Significance of Organic Sessions

In essence, organic sessions signify the health and robustness of your website’s visibility on search engines. When your SEO efforts are effective, you'll notice an uptick in organic sessions. This is crucial for long-term success because organic traffic tends to be more targeted and engaged compared to traffic from paid sources.

How to Measure Organic Sessions

Google Analytics and Google Search Console are perhaps the most commonly used tools for measuring organic sessions. While Google Analytics gives a more comprehensive overview of user behavior, Google Search Console offers key insights into organic search queries specifically. For more advanced analysis, platforms like Semrush offer even deeper dives into your website's organic performance.

7. Branded vs. Non-Branded Traffic

Understanding the nature of the traffic your website receives is crucial for optimizing your SEO strategy. One way to categorize this traffic is by dividing it into branded and non-branded queries. These two types of traffic can tell you a lot about your SEO and overall digital marketing effectiveness.

What is Branded Traffic?

Branded traffic comes from search queries that include your company or brand name. This kind of traffic usually signifies brand awareness and loyalty, as users are specifically seeking out your brand. While branded traffic is generally a good thing—it shows that your brand marketing channels are effective—it doesn't necessarily reflect the success of your SEO initiatives aimed at broadening your audience.

What is Non-Branded Traffic?

Non-branded traffic, on the other hand, originates from generic queries related to the products, services, or information you offer but doesn't include your brand name. This is the type of traffic that your SEO efforts primarily aim to increase, as it usually represents new eyeballs on your website—people who weren't aware of your brand but found you through search.

Measuring the Split

To differentiate between branded and non-branded traffic, you can use advanced filters in analytics tools like Google Analytics or specialized features in SEO platforms like Semrush. These tools can allow you to dig deep into your traffic sources, enabling you to apply what you learn to fine-tune your SEO strategy.

8. Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings refer to the positions that your website occupies in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific queries. While no longer the sole metric by which the success of an SEO strategy is measured, keyword rankings remain a crucial KPI. This is because the keywords for which you rank highly can bring in targeted, high-quality traffic that is more likely to convert.

The Importance of Keyword Rankings

High keyword rankings essentially translate to greater visibility on search engines. A higher ranking not only increases the likelihood of a user clicking on your site but also contributes to brand credibility. Users often perceive the top-ranking websites as the most relevant and authoritative sources on a topic.

The Shift from Single Keywords to Semantic Search

In the earlier days of SEO, businesses would often focus on ranking for a select few keywords. However, the rise of semantic search and natural language processing means that search engines are becoming smarter at understanding context. A single page can now rank for a multitude of related keywords, including long-tail phrases, questions, and even synonyms.

Monitoring Your Keyword Rankings

There are multiple tools available to keep track of how your keywords are performing:

  • Semrush: Allows you to input your domain and track keyword rankings over time. You can also spy on competitors' keyword performance.

  • Google Search Console: Provides invaluable data about the keywords for which your website is showing up in search results, along with click-through rates for each keyword.

9. Google Business Profile Metrics

Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is an invaluable tool for any business looking to establish a strong local presence. It allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Monitoring metrics here can offer insights that are not only pivotal for local SEO but can also significantly affect broader online marketing strategies.

Why Google Business Profile Metrics Matter

Google Business Profile offers a way for businesses to stand out in local searches and Maps results. By optimizing your profile and keeping an eye on various metrics, you can understand how local customers are interacting with your business online, which is crucial for local SEO.

Tools for Measuring Google Business Profile Metrics

  • Google Business Profile Dashboard: This offers a simplified view of how people found your business on Google, what they did afterward, and other statistics.

  • Google Analytics: You can track the traffic from your Google Business Profile to your website and see what actions users are taking.

10. Backlinks

In the world of SEO, backlinks are often considered the currency that helps websites rank better on search engines. Understanding the landscape of your backlinks—the incoming hyperlinks from one web page to your website—can provide invaluable insights into the health and competitiveness of your online presence.

What Are Backlinks and Why Are They Important?

Backlinks, also known as "inbound links," are links from other websites that direct users to your website. They act as votes of confidence, essentially vouching for the credibility and quality of your content. Google and other search engines consider these links as one of the top ranking factors, which makes them critical to your SEO strategy.

Key Metrics to Measure

Here are some essential metrics to consider when evaluating your backlink profile:

  1. Total Number of Backlinks: While more is generally better, quality trumps quantity.

  2. Total Number of Referring Domains: Multiple links from the same website have diminishing returns. More domains are usually better.

  3. Number of Links Lost: Keep an eye on this metric to understand the volatility of your backlink profile.

  4. Number of Links Earned: Track how your outreach or content marketing efforts are paying off.

Tools for Tracking Backlinks

Several tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz provide comprehensive backlink analytics. These tools can give you insights into the number of backlinks you have, where they're coming from, and how authoritative those linking sites are.

11. Organic CTR

Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) is one of the most critical yet often overlooked metrics in SEO analytics. It is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement. This metric serves as a direct indicator of how well your keywords and meta descriptions are performing in organic search results.

Why is Organic CTR Important?

High CTR signifies that users find your listings relevant, which sends positive signals to search engines like Google. Even if your site ranks well for particular keywords, a low CTR could potentially harm your rankings over time, making it essential to continuously optimize for better click-through rates.

How to Measure Organic CTR

  1. Google Search Console: This is the go-to tool for checking your CTR for different queries, pages, and devices.

  2. Google Analytics: You can also set up advanced tracking to get more granular data about your CTR.

12. User Engagement

User engagement is a multi-faceted SEO KPI that helps you understand how well your website is capturing and holding the attention of visitors. This metric is crucial because high engagement often translates into higher conversions and customer loyalty.

Why User Engagement Matters

High user engagement is indicative of a positive user experience. When users find your content useful or enjoyable, they are more likely to spend more time on your site, visit multiple pages, and return in the future.

Core Metrics to Monitor

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that your landing pages aren't convincing enough or relevant to visitors.

  • Average Time on Page: The average amount of time visitors spend on a specific page. A higher average time may suggest that your content is engaging and useful.

  • Pages Per Session: The average number of pages viewed during a session. This can indicate the depth of engagement and the general interest level of the user.

  • Session Duration: The total length of a user's visit. Long sessions can signify strong engagement but may also point to issues like confusing navigation if not evaluated in context.

Tools for Monitoring User Engagement

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4): Offers insights into bounce rate, average time on page, and other key engagement metrics.

  • Hotjar: Provides heatmaps and user recordings to understand how people interact with your site.

Industries Using SEO to Grow

In the modern business landscape, almost every industry can benefit from a strong SEO strategy. However, some sectors have been particularly adept at leveraging the power of search engine optimization to fuel growth. Below are industries where SEO has proven to be a game-changer:


Online retail stores rely heavily on SEO to drive traffic to their product pages. By optimizing for product-related keywords, they can attract potential buyers and improve conversion rates.

For example: Cajun Creole Market, an online one-stop-shop for everything Cajun Cuisine, has been successful in using SEO related tools to rank for key phrases like "cajun blast" and stay ahead of the competition.


The healthcare sector uses SEO to provide credible information and attract patients. Local SEO is also crucial for healthcare providers to ensure they show up in local search results.  

For example: NeuroMend Infusion Center has maximized SEO to rank for keywords like "spravato vs ketamine"

Engineering Firms

For engineering firms, SEO is a vital component for gaining visibility in a highly specialized market. Whether the focus is on civil, mechanical, electrical, or environmental engineering, these firms often deal with complex projects that require a high level of expertise.

By optimizing for industry-specific keywords and technical jargon, engineering firms can attract more targeted traffic from potential clients or partners who are actively searching for specialized engineering solutions.

For example: PES (Practical Engineering Services) succesfully ranked but the phrase "mechanical engineering solutions" while taking advantage of SEO best practices.

Technology and Software Companies

For technology and software companies, SEO is not just a beneficial strategy—it's almost a necessity in the digital age. With countless competitors offering similar solutions, standing out in search results can give you a crucial edge. Tech-savvy consumers often turn to search engines first to find software solutions, and your company needs to be there when they do.

For example: InCentrik, a leading company in the industry, has effectively maintained a competitive edge by achieving high rankings for keywords associated with specialized roles like "powerapps developer roles.

Special Equipment: Oil and Gas Industry

In the highly specialized and competitive field of oil and gas equipment, SEO can play a pivotal role in drawing targeted traffic and qualified leads.

Companies dealing with drilling rigs, offshore platforms, fracking systems, and other complex machinery often face the challenge of explaining intricate technical details to potential clients. A well-executed SEO strategy can help these companies stand out by making this information easily accessible online.

For example: With the use of backlking, Keystone Energy Tools ranks for multiple highly searched phrases in the oil and gas field such as "drill pipe".

Unlock Your SEO Potential with Vested Marketing's Comprehensive Services

If you're looking to optimize your SEO strategy, Vested Marketing can provide you with a comprehensive solution. Unlike traditional approaches that focus on just one or two elements of online marketing, Vested Marketing offers an integrated inbound marketing strategy that incorporates a myriad of components.

From research and technical SEO to impactful content marketing and social media engagement, Vested Marketing ensures that every aspect of your online presence is fine-tuned for success.

Ready to get started. Contact us today!

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Vested Companies Logo FaviconAs a certified HubSpot Partner Agency, we not only understand the benefits of using the inbound marketing platform to increase traffic and engagement, improve SEO, generate leads, design effective websites and boost sales, we know how to make it happen.

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